The Mountain Bike Guide

Quality Routes in the Peak District & Derbyshire

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Order Maps Online

I strongly recommended to carrying the appropriate Ordnance Survey map to cover the ride you are doing.

This, amongst other things allows you to re-find the route if you get lost and to give accurate locations if you need emergency assistance. GPS devices and mobile phone rely on batteries...

Maps are available online from Amazon, Ordnance Survey and other many other suppliers and shops in the area.

To purchase any item shown below from Amazon just click on the 'Buy from Amazon' link. This will open a new window showing that item on Amazon's web site.

White Peak - Outdoor Leisure Map 24

This map covers most of the routes in the southern part of the area. This and Dark Peak are the two most important maps if you want to enjoy the full range of rides described in the book.

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The Dark Peak - Outdoor Leisure Map 1

This map covers most of the routes in the northern part of the area. This and White Peak are the two most important maps if you want to enjoy the full range of rides described in the book.

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Explorer 259 - Derby

This covers the area just to the South of the White Peak map and is needed for the Belper ride.

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Explorer 245 - The National Forest

This covers the area south and west of Derby and is needed for the Netherseal - 4 Counties ride.

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© Mike Pearce 2020
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Derbyshire OS maps - buy online
Derbyshire OS maps - buy online